Older People Shouldn’t Neglect Nail Care

Many people neglect nail care, regardless of whether they are finger or toenails. The nails on the hand are the figurehead of every individual, even more than the toenails. Everyone looks at their hands, so it is important that they are well-groomed and look healthy and beautiful.


What Do You Have To Look Out For In Daily Nail Care?

Our skin has a protective acid layer, which consists of sebum and sweat. Every time we wash our hands, this protective coat has to be rebuilt. Since the skin on the hands is particularly thin, this is particularly difficult. Our body therefore needs our support. It starts with the washing.

Soap is essential for hygiene, but it does not have to be a product with particularly extreme cleaning substances. Much better is a mild, moisturizing wash. Syndets are based on different ingredients than regular soap. These are washing substances which are obtained by means of chemical substances. After washing, the skin must be cared for with a greasy and moisturizing, otherwise it will dry out quickly. If you don’t do anything, cracks and furrows quickly form, which can even catch fire.

Nail Care

What Is Right For The Hands Is Good For The Feet

Our feet carry us through life. Nevertheless, we mostly neglect them in a way. From autumn to spring they are in heavy shoes and hardly have a chance to breathe. In the summer we regularly give them fresh air – at least on weekends when we are barefoot. Our feet can only stay beautiful if we not only wash them, but also care for them. This includes the careful trimming of the nails, the removal of excess nail and callus, and the cream to the feet after the shower. In summer, a good deodorant also saves us from embarrassing situations.

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What Changes With Age

For older people, it makes sense to leave the care of the hands and feet to an expert. For one thing, the nails become more fragile with age. At the same time, our eyesight and skills decrease. Anyone who can no longer see well or can no longer move their joints properly can quickly get badly injured when handling nail scissors and files. This is especially true on the feet, where incorrectly cut nails can grow in very quickly and then cause great pain.

The callus also quickly becomes unsightly with age, which is not least due to the fact that we no longer dare to grab the pumice stone as boldly as we used to in the shower. After all, the risk of falling is greater than at a young age and with much worse consequences. Older people in particular should therefore regularly treat themselves to a manicure. This not only increases your own well-being, but is also a contribution to accident prevention.


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