Turkey’s largest and first scooter company “Martı” Under Competition Investigation

Turkey’s first and largest shared scooter brand “Martı” has been put under investigation by
the Competition Board of the Turkish State on suspicion of damaging competition.

Martı announced last week that it would open on the NYSE New York Stock Exchange.

According to the announcement on the Competition Authority’s website, the preliminary
investigation conducted on the allegation that Martı İleri Teknoloji A.Ş. has a dominant
position in the relevant product market and violates Articles 4 and 6 of the Law on the
Protection of Competition by abusing its dominant position with its exclusionary actions on its
competitors. It was decided by the board.

Discussing the information, documents and findings obtained in the preliminary research, the
Board found the findings serious and sufficient and decided to open an investigation against
Martı Ileri Teknoloji A.Ş. to determine whether it violated the relevant articles of the law.

Moreover, two months ago, in the statement made by the Minister of Commerce of Turkey, it
was announced that the Martı brand allegedly brought the scooters by smuggling customs
and an investigation was started on this.

For a brand that is on the verge of opening up to the world’s largest stock market, it is a
question mark what will these serious allegations bring and whether the New York Stock
Exchange will accept the dubious brand.

Translated and compiled from https://www.ntv.com.tr/ekonomi/martiya-rekabet-sorusturmasi,6v-FsHSRYU-b0QogRYmMsA
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