Why Is Your Baby Spitting Up Clear Liquid

When parents carry their baby, the burp cloth over the shoulder is part of the equipment: It catches liquid. If a baby is burping up some milk or food frequently, it’s usually not a cause for concern.

Babies gain weight very quickly in their first year of life and need a lot of food to do so. It can sometimes be difficult for your digestive to deal with it without any troubles. Infants therefore spit up more frequently in the first few months of their lives. It is quite normal for a small amount to come back up, about a spoon. Rarely does belching indicate illness. But then it is usually accompanied by other problems – for example, if the child is not growing properly.


How Does Liquid Burping Occur?

Food passes from the mouth to the stomach through the esophagus. At the bottom of the esophagus is a muscle called the lower sphincter. This muscle ensures that the chyme stays in the stomach. In infants, this sphincter often does not work properly, and their stomach is still relatively small.

Liquid burping is not vomiting. When you vomit, a contraction of the diaphragm leads, among other things, to the stomach contents being regurgitated. Most of the time you feel nauseous. With liquid, food simply rises back up and some of it flows back into the mouth. 


When Is Liquid Burping Normal?

Half to two-thirds of all babies burp at least once a day by the time they are six months old. So if your baby spits up more often, there’s nothing to worry about: it may be annoying at times, but it’s normal as long as the baby isn’t having any troubles. It also doesn’t spit up because it’s been fed too much or because it doesn’t tolerate the liquid well.

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At ten to twelve months, only a few ones spit up. For the others, the problem just outgrew it without any treatment. When the liquid burping stops is different for each child: Some babies still spit up when they are older than a year.

When Is Medical Advice Needed?

  • If your baby is well-fed and thriving, a medical advice is unlikely. Babies who simply burp and have no other signs do not need to be examined. However, a doctor’s visit is necessary if your baby
  • spits up very often, is noticeably pale, is not growing and is not gaining the weight for his age.
  • is in pain, then it cries a lot, screams or arches its back.
  • coughs, wheezes and clears his throat frequently. This can be a sign that the baby is irritated by stomach acid.
  • spits up not only after a meal but also when sober.
  • vomits in surges: The muscles and the food is spat out in large quantities and with some pressure. If babies lose too much fluid, they can become dehydrated quickly and this can be dangerous for them.
  • In a small number, burping can indicate a serious problem, such as premature babies with health situation that delay their development. 


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