How Many Electric Cars Were Registered For Worldwide Sales In The Previous Year?

The Federal Motor Authority regularly publishes the latest car registration, sorted by type of drive. And the recent rates of 2020 speak for themselves: Compared to the same period of the previous year, the electric cars are experiencing an increase in the three digit range in some cases.

Worldwide, there is a slightly different or more hesitant popularity: this is also good, because 90,000 more electric cars were registered in 2020 than in the previous year (an increase of 4 percent). However, growth was significantly higher in previous years: from 2017 to 2018 it was around 75 percent. In terms, this meant that almost 2.5 million new cars were registered for worldwide sales. The reason for the slowed growth could be the reduced promotion of electric cars in Asia and the USA.


The Pandemic In Electro Mobility

The pandemic dampened the export trend. 42,000 new electric vehicles were exported in the first half of 2020. In the same period last year there were 52,000 vehicles. In return, the demand for foreign e-cars rose by around 50% to 45,000 electric vehicles.

Electric Cars

The Countries and Their Rates

More than 25 % of the electric vehicles exported in the first half of 2020 went to Norway. The country had already bought around 25 percent of German exports in the previous year. Germany’s main supplier of electric vehicles was and is still France. Almost a quarter of the imported vehicles came from the neighboring country in 2019 and in the first half of 2020.The year 2020  brought electric cars for many countries a strong boost. It was reported a few months ago: “New registrations of e-cars reached a record level in 2020.” In the past few months there have been, in some cases, increases compared to the same month last year. In August, the proportion of cars with purely electric drive in new registrations rose to 6.5 %. In 2019 it was only 1.7 &. The proportion of cars with electric drives also roughly tripled.

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Tesla Sells The Most Electric Cars Worldwide

Even though the US car manufacturer has no plug-in hybrids in its range. This is shown by the statistics based on InsideEVs. Volkswagen for example, only achieves around two thirds of Tesla’s sales. Plug-in with hybrids are cars with a battery that can also be charged using a combustion engine.


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