How To Cancel An Order On Aliexpress

When we shop online, it’s easy to realize at some point that we made a mistake when placing an order. If this happened to you while buying from the Chinese giant, you may have needed to know how cancel an order on AliExpress.

AliExpress is undoubtedly one of the most important shopping platforms  in the world. Although a few years ago many users were reluctant because the items came from China and took a long time to reach Europe, today this situation has changed a lot. there are already AliExpress warehouses in Europe, this has caused many of the problems that have caused some users not to choose to buy here, have decided to launch.

Cancel Aliexpress Order

The first thing to consider before placing your order and knowing if your Aliexpress order can be canceled is if it has been passed more than 1 day since you did it In less than that time there are usually no problems when canceling, so it is advisable to check the orders in these first hours. And we also have to keep in mind that even if we make the cancellation, the seller has to approve it. And if the seller has already made the shipment, it will be more complicated for him to accept the cancellation. It’s possible that you don’t need to cancel an order on AliExpress but cancel it. The difference is that the cancellation occurs once you have already confirmed and paid while the cancellation occurs while you are waiting for the payment to be confirmed.

It is therefore important that you know that you can only cancel an order that is fair the very next moment after doing so. Once the payment has been confirmed, you can no longer use this opportunity, only cancel. To have this possibility, we recommend that you always check your order well when you are finished. If you want to cancel the shipment of this order and cancel, you just have to open the app and go to “My Orders” and click on “Cancel Order”. Even if you have canceled it, the payment of the item you purchased will continue to be processed but the company will refund the amount after a few days.

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February 27, 2024

Plastic packaging


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