Save Money On Your Finances

More money at the end of the month? You can achieve this goal! We resent you with smart saving tips for household, shopping and business.


Switch To A Cheap Energy Provider

Due to the Co2 pricing in 2021, heating costs will increase. So it makes sense to think about changing your energy provider, because you can save several hundred dollars per year. Electricity customers save up to 300 dollars, gas customers even up to 500 dollars per year.

Sort Out Insurance

Often there are insurance policies or additional opportunities that are not very useful or too expensive. A case in point is glass insurance, which is only important if your home has very large single glazing. If you have household contents insurance, you are usually insured against glass breakage anyway. The same applies to luggage insurance – these days this is also often covered by the household policy.

Switch To Cheaper Tariffs For Cell Phones

Many consumers spend 50 to 100 dollars a month on cell phones and the Internet. For some it is even more. Here you can often save 30 to 40 dollars without major restrictions. Call the provider and tell them that the bill is too high for you. Since the providers do not want to lose their customers, they usually accommodate them and offer discounts or cheaper tariffs.

Write A Shopping List

You can also do something for your household budget when shopping. The right thing to do is to go shopping on Saturday just before the store closes. And write down your wishes on a shopping list beforehand. Then you are less susceptible to the enticing offers on the grocery shelves: The limited time forces you to shop in a targeted manner and work through your list in a concentrated manner.

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Filter Coffee Instead Of Capsules And Other Stuff

Machines from capsules or pods are becoming cheaper and cheaper. But the price per cup is far too high. In addition, the healthiest coffee beans are not used and the capsules produce a lot of unnecessary waste. Instead, use the filter coffee for the good old machine.

September 28, 2023

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