If you are expecting babies in a two pack, you can think twice: What should the children’s names be? Of course you could just name them with your favorite names or with the most regular boy or girl names. But if it’s supposed to be something special, it won’t be that easy. Books, movies and series offer the best inspiration here. We will help you with the name search and introduce you to some cool twin names for girl, boy and girl-boy couples.
Many expectant parents already have an opinion of what they want to name their baby. But what if it suddenly means that there are two little creatures in mom’s belly and the matching twin names have to be found? Not so easy, after all, the meanings and the interaction with the surnames should fit. How do you approach this task? We have put together a few suggestions and easy tips for you to make it easier for you to find the best first names for your twins.
Twin Names Shouldn’t Sound Too Similar
Twins are more than siblings. They already share the womb, grow up hand in hand and have a very specific relationship with each other. The desire that this is also reflected in the first names is completely understandable. But beware: Names that are too similar – such as Andrea and Andreas can lead to difficulties later. When called, letters and endings are swallowed, the same nickname may even become common. That being said, the similarities are emphasized in twins – obviously mostly through their looks, but also through the similar clothing. If the name is then also a copy, it quickly becomes too much. One shouldn’t forget that the two little people have their very own individual character, despite their bond, and they want to be noticed.

Not Funny
It could be nice to name the kids not the same name? Not necessarily! Of course, every parent couple decides for themselves, but before you name your babies after more or less famous couples, it is better to ask yourself these questions: “Would I like to be called that?” “Would I like to be called that in the schoolyard? If you’re honest then, duos like Max and Moritz, Adam and Eve are likely to fall out of the shortlist.
Same Initials or Same Ending?
The twins names start with the same letter. It’s not a problem at all. What you could consider, however, is that either the number of syllables or the vowel/letter differ, otherwise you will end up in the “too similar” trap. Examples would be: Max and Miriam
Names With The Same Meaning
If you value the reason that the names of the two children are pronounced totally differently, you can express the bond between twins in a different way: the meaning of the name. Both names can complement each other or have the same meaning. For example, these boy and girl names show “love”: Lia and Cedric for example. Another option for twin names that suit well: limit yourself to names of a certain reality.
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